Five questions -
1. Can you hum the entire theme to the first Mario Bros Game?
2. Do you know what H2SO4 is?
3. Can you quote anything from Stargate, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or Dr Who?
4. Do you agree with me when I say Roger Ebert was wrong when he said "Video games can never truly be art."?
5. Do you think that Scott Pilgrim Vs The World was the greatest film of our time?
If you answered yes to most of these questions I believe that you can be classed as a nerd. Im a nerd. A lazy one but a nerd none the less. I love it. I love our lifestyle. We get all the cool stuff and every now and then we get to dress up and wear capes. We get to read comics and play video games. Even play the odd board game or two. We meet in large groups to play children's card games and argue who was the better Bond and if you say Rodger Moore Il find where you live and slap you!!!! Sean Connery....CONNERY
I noticed at a young age that I was a nerd. I wasn't built for or into sports. From age 6 to about 9 I desperately wanted to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle or a "ginga" turtle. I have never stopped reading comics in fact I read one just before writing this lot. I had 2 very good friends in primary school who were also nerds. Better nerds than I could ever be. It wasn't until I reached secondary school that I found my true nerdy self and college helped that along nicely. We are a shy race. Quick to anger depending on the TV program being argued about. Nerds are not great with "the ladies" I was never great at the whole girls thing and i am usually the most surprised person when I do happen to "hook up" Im in no way bitter about couples or guys who are good with women Ive had my fair share of relationships and Im happy being single at the moment. More time for me and my nerdiness.
I dont know many girl nerds. They are few and far between so I would say that being a nerd is mostly a male thing. We are generally considered lonely gents and ladies but the people I know are top notch amazing people and coming up to Valentines day life can be hard for us nerds who are I think very misunderstood. I want to put a stop to this loneliness any nerd feels this VD. This VD is going to be different.
Every nerd who doesn't have the stereotyped "date" for VD, every nerd who gave the girl they liked flowers or a card only to be turned down, every nerd who cant tell the person they like how they feel. I say to you, unite brothers and sisters for we are not alone. F#*k all that card and flowers bull. I cant think of a better way to spend that money. I want you to grab your nerdy friends and get your nerdy freak on! Im talking about series marathons, movie marathons, board games, drinking competitions/games. We are not alone and we will take the day for ourselves. Nerdintines day is here brother and sisters. There are more of us slightly socially encumbered QI enthusiasts than there is people out on dates. Those of us nerds who do have dates will miss out on a truly epic nerd day that will be talked about and you will get the "you werent there man" look. I myself plan on playing a shit load of games and heading to see Paul in the cinema with me nerdy friends. My fellow nerds, we are not alone. Not ever. We have each other. Go out with your mates tomorrow.
To quote a certain space captain;
"Make it so"
Redman out