My apologies for the massive delay in the posting of a recent update. I have, in all honesty, been too tired, lazy, too busy and just too drunk to post anything up. As i had not foreseen any of these events I pass all blame onto Connor Cunningham.
Right, down to business. Im sure the delay in my updates has had people asking "ohhh I wonder is he ok?' or "Is he getting enough sleep?" Who is Conor Cunningham?" and naturally "I wonder is he still as hansom as ever?" Well my mighty followers Im perfectly alright, I get enough sleep, if you dont know who Conor Cunningham is you are missing out and yes, oh course im as hansom and as modest as ever. Now that all of your major concerns are dealt with I shall move onto the news.
Im sure that those of you on facebook saw the photos of me in the Grampians national park. If you didn't I suggest you go right now to my humble and modest facebook page and make your life a little more complete by looking as me sweating it out on top of a mountain. In all seriousness the Grampians were breathtaking. The views where spectacular and so vast that I dont have the words to describe them. A good friend and I rented a small car and drove the whole three and a half hours too the park. Just to let people know that the good friend wasn't Conor because he was too busy following a bus full of mexicans to Alice Springs. The best part of the whole trip for me was the driving. It felt so good to be behind a wheel again and despite a few arguments with the sat nav on whether a road existed or not we never got lost and made good time. The road up the mountain side were kick ass. All bendy and brilliant. It was like one of those roads you see on top gear where they drive an Ascari A10 with a tail wing up a Swedish hillside except I had a Hyundai Gets with a dodgy radio and Im clearly not in Sweden.
here is a sketch that my friend Eva drew of our journey to the Grampians that pretty much some up the trip.
The 150th Melbourne cup is on next week and Il be working at it. For those of you who have never heard of it before its a 4 day horse racing festival here in Melbourne and its no small thing. 400000 people will attend it over the 4 days and shizz loads of politicians, celebrities and all round important people will grace the grasses with their extremely high heeled shoes and hats that look like Christmas decorations that were made in 1952 and destroyed in a freak forest fire only to be remade into hats. I look forward to making fun of them. The main race, the actual melbourne cup race, basically brings the country to a standstill. The day it falls on was made into a public holiday so nearly everyone in this sun blasted land will have the day off to shout abuse or praise at the best horses in the world. I may lay a bet or two myself while Im ushering food and drink to Melbourne's high and mighty.
I only have 4 weeks left in Melbourne before Conor and I head on our trip up the east coast followed by a nice long Christmas with family in Sydney. I have to say that I am getting really excited about this trip up the coast. Ive been in the same place for too long and although Im brilliant at my job, everyone loves me and Ive made loads of friends I cant wait to see all the new places on our travel map. Its going be epic.
Redman out.